HOFFMANN EITLE Newsletter 02/2008

Publication | 29.02.2008

Decisions CA/D 15/07 and 16/07 of the EPO Administrative Council

Author(s): Roy Marsh und Alistair Russell
EPO to discourage tall stories and wild claims – applicants should prepare now, if they want to enjoy a foolproof April 1st 2009

Two separate Decisions of the Administrative Council of the EPO were issued on 14th December, 2007: CA/D 15/07 and CA/D 16/07. These two Decisions will bring in a series of changes to EPO Rules Relating to Fees that will increase the costs of European patent applications, and could leave unwary applicants failing to see the funny side of “April Fool's Day” in 2008 and 2009.

HOFFMANN EITLE Newsletter 02/2008
